
My porridge turned out way better this morning. I didn't add any cocoa powder.

Today was my third last day of high school. Celebration/muck up day is on friday, and I have Wednesdays off, so those days don't count. I only had one class (International Studies) where I completed my last ever International Studies SAC!! It felt so good.

When I got home I made myself some lunch, which was chickpea curry. It was yummy.


After lunch I decided to make some banana bread. It didn't really turn out well, and turned out short. I still ate two pieces (naughty girl, I know) because it was delicious!! This will make a perfect breakfast for tomorrow morning, because I never have time for porridge on Tuesdays and always have to rush it in. My stomach hurts, I think it's because of having the extra food, I don't know. Oh well :S

I spent my free time today making a countdown to the things I'm looking forward to.
(As of tomorrow)
2 days left of high school.
6 days until my eighteenth birthday.
30 days until the end of exams.

I can't wait for the second thing especially ;)

Have a nice afternoon/night!!


  1. Ooh the big 1-8!
    You have a lot to look forward to.

    How funny, I made banana bread too the other day. But it was more of a banana cake.
    I love eating cakes for brekkie.
    And hey, you are not naughty for eating those two pieces of cake!

    You deserve it :)

  2. awwwww your posts never fail to make me smile.

    banana bread is great, we have some frozen in the freezer right now as my mum makes huge batches so we always have some around the house.
