

It's stifling hot here today. I went out for a walk just before, and all I wanted to do was sit in front of an air conditioner. I burnt my thumb this morning making a cup of tea, so now it matches my other thumb which I cut open cutting mushrooms the other day, what a klutz I am, seriously. And the burnt thumb just makes me feel hotter!!

These were the dvds I ended up watching with my mum last night:

I know, Hannah Montana is for kids, but suprisingly I like it ;D

The song she sings at the end, 'The Climb', really gave me a powerful message last night, so I thought I'd pass it on to you girls.

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

That's just a verse of the song, but it sent me such a strong message of inspiration, and never giving up hope. And that's what life is all about, especially rebuilding yourself from ED. We need to keep positive, and keep 'climbing'. :)

Anyway, today I have spent the majority of the morning studying for my second exam which is this thursday. How fun :\

My lunch today was delicious. I have named this concoction 'multi-layered cinnspice oats'.

Oats with a layer of brown sugar, cinnamon and mixed spice in the middle, topped with more brown sugar, cinnamon and mixed spice.
I know it looks the same as usual, but trust me, it didn't taste the same ;)

Also, something I thought about last night: is anyone interested in doing a bar/food swap with me?? I'll send you Australian bars, plus other Australian goodies?? Let me know.

Have a lovely rest of the day.


  1. i love the climb it may be one of the most inspirational songs i have ever heard.

    i feel your pain, our school has no air con so all day i have been just so hot.

  2. aww bride wars is awesome :D total comfort movie to watch with a girlfriend.
    good luck for the exams sweetie

  3. Keep climbing!
    We'll all get there - it's hard but so worth it in the end.

    Good luck with your exams this week,


  4. ah i love singing that song while driving with the windows open.
    thanks so much for stopping by my blogg :)
    and you are not alone on the klutz-ness (if only that were a word) my hands are so banged up, everything i touch is potentially dangerous, haha.
    mm those oats sounds amazing :)
    good luck with the exams!

  5. What a lovely post. I just found your blog and am enjoying reading it. I used to suffer from an ED many years ago and it is a hard battle....but in the end it is *so* worth it!

  6. Ohh ouch, your thumb is one of the most awkward places to cut.
    Ype you gotta keep climbing, I find that by trying to stay positive and keep myself in the 'I can do this' attitude, it helps things a little.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog :-) it was really nice, I look forward to getting to know you better.

    p.s. I saw on your previous post you like penguins, I love them to!!

  7. Hey Amy!

    I am totally loving this post! I didn't watch Hannah Montana because I thought it was for kiddies but read the lyrics to the song and wow. They totally spoke to me too! Let's keep climbing because the day we reach the peak of this mountain, is the day we can enjoy the wonders of the world and breathe it in in all its splendour!

    Oh and being the *eh hem* bar fiend that I am, I just couldn't resist the whole bar swap thing when I read it. Lol. Even though most of the bars I have are from the US - Larabars and Luna bars, if you don't mind having them, I'm up for a swap!

    You can pop down to krazeebars.wordpress.com and choose say.. 5 bars (more?) that you'd like maybe? I'm up for any kind of bars from Australia. Just leave me a comment on my blog whatever you decide k hun? =)

    Hope your day's as bright and sunny, as upbeat and as gorgeous as you are!!

