

So this morning I went to the doctors, to get my blood test results. Everything was normal, he said that my Iron and Vitamin D were maybe a little low, but that those were easily fixed. Then he wanted me to step on the scales, which was obviously my least favourite part of the appointment. I gained. One week ago the scale was XX.70kg and today it was XX.90kg. Nothing to worry about, right?? Wrong. ED went crazy on me, saying how I failed and how 200g was still a big deal, because it was almost a quarter of a kg, and how many extra calories I had to have eaten in order to gain this much, etc etc. It made me really upset, but I couldn't show the doctor or my mum that I felt that way. It was so hard to keep my emotions in check.

Sorry if that was triggering or anything, but it's just the way I felt (or the way ED made me feel). It's like I have this whole thing under control, then suddenly ED storms in and demands to take control over me, and I can't do anything to stop it, even though I'm trying. I'm trying so hard.

Anyway, on another note, the lovely Nat tagged me to do a little quiz, and I thought I'd do it this post :)

I can't seem to get the picture, but here's the quiz.
Here are the rules:
1. You can only use one word!
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers.
3. Alert them that you have given them this award!
4. Have Fun!

The Survey
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Your hair? Messy
3. Your mother? Love
4. Your father? Miss
5. Your favorite food? Porridge!!
6. Your dream last night? Snails
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Your dream/goal? Freedom
9. What room are you in? Library
10. Your hobby? Music
11. Your fear? Letting go
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Politics
13. Where were you last night? Bed
14. Something that you aren’t? Strong enough
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. Wish list item? Luna
17. Where did you grow up? Melbourne
18. Last thing you did? Blog
19. What are you wearing? Clothing
20. Your TV? Storage
21. Your pets? None
22. Friends? Some
23. Your life? Better
24. Your mood? Tired
25. Missing someone? Yes
26. Vehicle? Car
27. Something you’re not wearing? Cardigan
28. Your favorite store? Chadstone
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Today :(
32. Your best friend? Studying
33. One place that I go to over and over? School
34. One person who e-mails me regularly? Mum
35. Favorite place to eat? Home

Thanks Nat for tagging me. It's so hard to choose only six who I wanted to tag, I wanted to choose all of you!! Here we go.... I tag Maya, Eliza, Mitri, Rachel, Jessica, and Katie. :)

The rest of my day will include me studying at the State Library....not very fun. My first exam is tomorrow, I'm so nervous, you have no idea. It's hard to study for Literature, especially when you get given three passages to write on randomly on the day. Breathe, Amy, breathe.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!


  1. argh! I get the SAME thing when I go to the doctors! I'm always like 200grams? WHAT? haha

    thank you miss,
    I'll be reposting that in my next post :)

  2. thank u for the award sweetie! love u!

    i saw my doctor today as well. and i dont know what the dreaded scale said, but she said, "good!" when i stepped off...UGH. :P ed goes crazy over any weight # scale thing! i hate it, it would b so nice to not have a number define us? :) to just be FREE as a bird! love that idea stay strong!

    love you

  3. All the best for your exams!
    And don't be upset about the 200g! Your body is not a static object, it fluctuates a little everyday :)

    <3 magdelene

  4. awwww thanks for the award. very much appreciated

    your body changes, you can not expect it to not change, change is a part of life and its a healthy normal part of life.

    you are wonderful and don't ever forget it.

    its funny you said blueberries muffins because they are going to be a "fear" food i hope to challenge soon

  5. 200g is actually not such a big deal as what ED makes it out to be. It could even be due to fluid changes...Remember to think of the big picture- to be healthy again!

    Don't worry so hard about your exams. I know you CAN do it! :D

    Stay strong.

  6. Hun, say nay to ED! You are stronger than that and really, 200g? My doctor would be threatening to shove me back into hospital if I gained that amount in a week. But I know it's tough and it's ok to feel a little freaked out. Just know that you are gaining your health back and you deserve to live life fully, as AMY!


  7. Thanks for the award! :) I've answered the questions recently, can't remember on which post.. :X But if you'd like me to answer them again, lemme know and I'll drop you a line ;)

    Good luck on your exam! They always seem harder until they're over with.

  8. Good luck with your exam! I love how you had a dream about snails last night. haha.

  9. I just found your blog, and i'm definitely a fan!
    I'm so jealous of all you australians, gosh could you live anywhere cooler?
    Fun to learn a little bit about you from your quiz!
