

I write this quick blog to let you all know that I won't be posting for about a week - I'm going away with my friend and her family on a holiday to the beach.

:) I'll post when I get back. I'm a bit nervous to tell you the truth, but hopefully it should be fun.




I hope you all have a wonderful day, and get lots of presents from Santa ;)

As I type this it is 11.42pm on December the 24th, and I have just spent the evening home alone cooking (yes cooking!!), wrapping presents and listening to christmas carols. Oh, and being a camera 'ho, as you can see above (yes, the candy canes are in the shape of a heart).

This picture represents what I think Christmas is about. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas is not about food, or social eating. I don't even think it's too much about religion. It's about family, friends, and expressing the love you feel for them 365 days of the year. It's about being yourself, being free, even if something (or someone) tells you that you shouldn't.

I love you all, and I truly don't think I'd be as free or as happy as I am today without you. This sounds like a goodbye message, but don't fret, I'm not leaving you!! On the contrary, I am also using Christmas as an opportunity to celebrate my return to this lovely world, with lovely people :)

P.s  You know you're cool when you have excess sugar cookie batter stuck to the bottom of your feet.



So today, I bought what I think is the BEST T-SHIRT EVER.
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to buy it.


As you may know, I'm vegan, so this is perfect for me.

Ignore my penguin pyjama pants.



So after I apologized profusely for my hiatus, I erm.... disappeared.

I apologize again, I never meant to disappear from the blogosphere, because I adore you all. Things happened beyond my control, then I was busy, then I was out of the country, then I was devastated.

As I said in my previous entry many moons ago, my great uncle died, so I (along with the rest of my family) basically lost two weeks trying to deal with it/get back to "normal" again. After that, I started my part time job at my mum's work, where I'm an executive assistant (sounds fancy, isn't). At the same time I had yabc concerts, then mum and I went to Bali (a trip which was a present for my 18th birthday). I arrived in Darwin at 3.00am on the way home to a text message telling me my ENTER score, the mark I received for year twelve. All I will say is that it wasn't what I had hoped for, and not high enough for even my back up universities. Needless to say, I was upset. If you classify screaming and sobbing for hours on end upset. Which I do.

Anyway, I post this to tell you all that as of today I will be returning to blogging, I pinky swear.
I leave you with a photo of me at the entrance to Kuta Beach in Bali.