
I love sultanas.

Also known as raisins. They're sweet, but satisfying. Above is the little pack I had for my afternoon snack today.

I woke up sooo early this morning, went to the gym, had breakfast, then went to my first yabc class for term four. It was good, except I felt faint and weak during dance warm up, and couldn't do any of the jumps/turns, because I was all dizzy. We learnt our last song for the end of year concert, it's so short!! Seriously, it's like 1 minute long.

My mum picked me up from yabc, which was nice, because usually I have to wait twenty five minutes for the train. We went to go pick up the mail, and I saw that I had a letter from my PPK penpal!! I felt really bad though, because the letter had obviously come a couple of weeks ago. But we haven't checked our PO Box in a month, because we've been so busy trying to find a house :S

When we got home, I made myself a yummy chickpea curry, and a cup of ginger tea. I chilled out by watching glee, reading blogs, and watching the Simpsons movie.

Today has been a relaxing day. I have an idea in the works for tomorrow's breakfast, so hopefully it works out well and I can show you all tomorrow!!


  1. i love raisins/sultanas too :) my favorite dried fruit!
    cant wait to see your breakfast lovie!


  2. love sulatans ;) such a cute box! love raisin boxes hehe. here in the US they have quotes on the box and i would collect them!

    Chickpea curry and ginger tea and a relaxing night sounds perfect!

    love you

