
Technically day three.

Today is my second post for mofo, but it's technically the third day of it....
Oh well :)
I actually took a photo of my breakfast.
Porridge, my absolute favourite food.
Lunch was fruit salad.
I found this when I went to a wholefoods shop in the city, and had to try it.
I'm not sure how healthy these are though :/
Dinner was a green salad with chickpeas.
 Send me healthy recipes to try, my pretties!
I swear I've gained about 10kg since I've moved in with my grandparents. It's probably because I haven't gotten into a routine. But I feel like I have now, exercise wise. I do the exercise bike twice a day, for 25 minutes, and sometimes do a little walk up the street. I try to do 100 sit ups.
On a non-food related note, I had two SACs (tests) today. Woahhhhhh.
I don't think I did very well in them, but oh well. They were my second last International Studies and Literature SACs ever!!
I will now sit and await comments.


  1. How was the Larabar? I've read so much about them!

    I have hundreds of recipes, but they're really unhealthy. What kind of food did you want to cook (like what cuisine, Italian, Asian)?

  2. The larabar was so good, I bought two and had the second one today. I definetly liked the second one (Chocolate) better, but oh my goodness, I don't think I should get addicted.

    I don't really mind cuisine wise, just something easy to have at school or something like that. :)

  3. I think Larabars are pretty healthy, they're raw and just nuts and dates and fruit. My fave is the pecan pie one.

  4. Oh yum, Larabars are so good. I had one today actually! They are really healthy which you wouldn't think from the way that they taste, right? Haha :)
    I think I'll point you in the direction of my blog actually - I just posted a tofu recipe up that's pretty healthy!
    - Liz, VS (VeganSixteen)

  5. Thanks guys!
    I actually have never tasted tofu.
    So I think I shall try that recipe one day this week!

  6. Ooh Larabars are so good--my fave is the cherry one.
    Also, porridge! Yum!
